Monday, June 8, 2020

Coronavirus in North America Essay - 275 Words

Coronavirus in North America (Essay Sample) Content: CoronavirusNameInstitutional affiliationDateI am researching to establish the prevalence of MERS Cov infection in North America, and its symptoms among the people in North America, as it affects a majority of people. A considerable level of ignorance has prevailed within those infected and policymakers North America leading to lack of sufficient information about MERS CoV. As of November 6, 2014, World Health Organization (WHO), including 331 deaths, reported 909 human cases. Additional cases of the emerging strains coronavirus are expected.This study will present the voice of North Americans in ways in what they perceive are effects of the Coronavirus in human. Nevertheless, the study aims to provide readers and future researchers with comprehensive and detailed information about the mechanisms of viral spread, its symptoms, and appropriate preventive measures against human coronavirus. Conceivably, the findings from this study are important to facilitate the populat ionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s awareness on the dangers of the infections and thus kill the prevailing notion of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"just another simple infectionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬. Finally, finding of the study is important to policy makers, planners, developmental institutes, NGOs, and the ministry of health and public service. It will facilitate the development and formulation of the vision future in these institutions on better ways to prevent, control, and treat the human coronavirus.Problem statement and justificationCoronavirus is common in most of the regions throughout the world. They can infect both human beings and animals. Past studies reveal that different types of this virus can infect people and consequently make them fall sick. Coronavirus usually causes mild to moderate respiratory infection. However, others such as SARS have caused severe illness to both people and animal. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is the first fatal infection documented about the Coronaviruses. It origina ted in the Guangdong province in China in the year 2002. In the last one decade, more than 8000 cases of SARS were reported including about 800 deaths across the world (Anderson et al. 2004; WHO). Notably, many studies about SARS have been carried out, and adequate general information concerning characteristics and epidemiology of coronaviruses produced. Contrary to this, there is no sufficient information about another emerging type of Corona virus, the MERS-CoV.According to Gardner Maclntre (2014), the first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) occurred in 2012. Garder and Maclntre describe coronavirus as a very rare virus but able to cause serious problems and even death if not treated in time. Several people have lost their lives from the attack by the disease. For instance, it claimed the lives of 282 people of the 688 that contracted the MERS CoV. However, there are no well-established source of the human infection and an epidemiologic pattern about MERS CoV as compared to SARS. Because MERS are new infections, there is limited research and investigation concerning it. Additionally, due to limited studies and lack of clear sources of MERS-Cov infections to both human and animals, there are no established standard measures to control MERS-CoV. Mechanisms of the MERS CoV transmission remain unclear and inadequately undocumented. Based on reported exposure of main cases, the major ways includes the interpersonal relationship. However, the spread and prevalence of MERS-CoV to the United States and other parts of the world from Middle East is documented insufficiently.Based on the previously researched epidemiologic patterns of the coronavirus, the studies reveal that the viruses possess crown-like spikes on their surfaces, and this gives them their name (Song Sutter., 2013). Hui et al., (2013) asserts that four categories of coronavirus exists that include the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. For this reason, six coronaviruses that affect human beings include HCoV- 229E, HCoV-NL63, SARS-CoV, HKU1, HCoV-OC43, and MERS CoV à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ that causes the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.Rabia (2013) asserts that the first confirmed case of MERS was discovered in September 2012, when a patient in Saudi Arabia had developed a severe acute respiratory infection, which progressed to acute renal failure. The patient eventually succumbed to death. Samples obtained from him showed pneumonia as a cause but it led to the identification of the MERS virus. As Rubia (2013) describes, some of the majorly affected countries in the Middle- East include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. In Europe, cases reported in Germany, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, and Greece.New England Journal of Medicine 0f 2013 reveals that people are infected with coronaviruses several times in their lifetime and young children, and the elderly are most affected due to low immunity problems. In addition, the patients who have other underlying health complications such as comprised immune system are more at risk of contracting the virus, especially in the case of HIV/AIDS. Of the different groups in the society, the health workers, tourists, and travelers, have recorded large numbers of new infections (Gautret, 2013). For example, human- human transmission occurs in a family setup when living and with an infected person with close contact. In healthcare facilities, health caregivers are infected when they are exposed to respiratory secretions or body fluids of the infected patients.The routes of transmission, therefore, include direct or indirect contact, respiratory droplets like mucus during coughing, sneezing, tear or by close personal contact through touching, hugging, kissing or by shaking hands. Additionally, the virus may also spread when one touches contaminated surfaces then touching their mouth or nose. Gortazar and Segales (2013) say that sometimes during outbreaks, the r eal mode of transmission may not be known. For instance, the first MERS CoV outbreak occurred in a hospital setting in Jordan, 2012. The virus phylogenic analysis revealed that the virus had been circulating since at least 2003.The report is far longer than earlier estimated based on most common MERS CoV strains ancestor found in humans (Gardner Maclntre, 2014). Nevertheless, phylogenic analysis has found a close association between MERS CoV found in humans and various species of bat. However, no confirmed cases of the virus similar to MERS CoV have been confirmed in bats. In contrast, recent studies by Azhar et al., (2014) and Memish et al., (2013) have identified MERS-Cov and MERS-Cov as antibodies in dromedary camels. The reports suggest that MERS CoV is widespread and has there infected more camel in different regions.Detection of the infection occurs through analysis of the swabs from the nasal and the pharyngeal areas of the suspected patients. If the initial results are nega tive for a suspected patient, then the nasal-pharyngeal swabs are repeated specimens or checked in the laboratory. The common symptoms of the infection include fever, coughing, sore throat, and runny nose. It is therefore, necessary to prevent the disease to avoid further contraction of the virus (Lu et al. 2013).As Lu et al. (2013) asserts, hand washing with soap and water could be protective from the virus especially after handling infected patients. People should avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth with dirty hands and to avoid close contact with people who are known to ...

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